Monday, December 17, 2007

Life in Kalamazoo

My mother thinks my father has gone insane, too. I'm glad it's not just me. We talked over how guilty he appears to feel about losing Brooke. She thinks that has fueled his drive to get another bichon puppy. I have to agree, but I also think a bichon will be a better match for them. Mitzi was such a good girl, with not nearly the amount of mischief as Brooke had. Anyway, the new one is named Cody, and will be coming a week from Wednesday on an airplane from Missouri.

Mom's been having issues at work. It sounded like her evaluation went okay and that she has set some good goals for the next year. Her boss, however, is a bit nutty, and asked her if she wanted to take on an intern who is about the same age as my mother is and is currently working someplace where they could accommodate him as an intern.

Mom is hoping to make a job change soon. Borgess Hospital is going to be doing some restructuring, and she's hoping to find a position there. It would probably be a much better situation for her. She doesn't want long-term clients anymore; she wants to get a question and answer it.

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