Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Clean Water Is What?!

So, the House has approved a spending bill. This is a good thing, for it means that the government can continue to function. I'm not grumpy about that. We need for something to be passed and approved soon, otherwise it's going to be the Clinton vs. Republican Congress of about ten years ago, where the federal government was shut down due to lack of money.

The thing that rankles me was at the end of the article, where a watchdog group called Taxpayers for Common Sense is mentioned. Apparently, they look for pork barrel projects. And listed among those pork barrel projects are water cleaning programs. Uh, excuse me? Since when is ensuring that the environment is safe for both humans and wildlife wasteful and wrongful spending? I guess the oil spills should just be left the way they are, lest someone consider the money spent on the cleanup to be unfairly appropriated. People are stupid sometimes.


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